Thursday, 27 May 2010

Making babies- trying to conceive....
Just a few tips I wish i had known earlier I'll pass on for you both. I did some reading around it - I was a bit obsessed after the miscarraige (that may be the understatement of the year), and this is what I learnt.
Most of it I remember only if the source was good but haven't got references to back it up so there may be some rougue pointers in there too.
This way is the least embarassing way to get the info to you!
i apologise in advance for over simplifing or too much info- if you are squemish maybe skip this page...
General pointers:
*Try to have some action (sex/intercourse/ horizontal tango - what ever your name for it is) every 2-3 days midcycle, optomises your chances. So the week you think the egg is on its way, try to make sure you're in the same country, and preferably in the same bed & up for it at the same time- or your may have to resort to the turkey baster.
80% of couples will conceive within a year of trying, here they say if you are over 35 yrs of age go to your gp/family doctor after 6 months of trying. They can have a chat & maybe check hormone levels md cycle to see if there are any major worries as a starting point.
*Try to be a normal weight for your height - not under, a little over seems to be useful! (BMI 25 ish)
*Try to have a good diet - a preconception supplement for both of you could be useful if you aren't that good on your fruit & veg & fish intake.
* as always smoking is a bit of a problem for fertility- amazing how many people get past that but I think the best age for female fertility (under 30)- so it only gets harder and needs a bit more attention once you get a little more mature!
I watched a documentary where the expert said female fertility declines the sharpest 10 years before you have the menopause, so ask your mum when she had hers & that'll give you an idea. My mum said she was 48 which meant that after 38 years old my fertility would be on it's way down, my friends mum was 54 which gave her up to the age 44, theorectically - not very scientific but i thought it was a useful guide!!

The girls;
Plot your cycle as soon as you think you'll be thinking about having kids, (especially if you are over 30-35)- the day it starts, how long it lasts etc for a few months. You always ovulate 14 days before you get your "friend" (who ever thought that was a good name for it was nuts). Day 1 of your period is the first day of bleeding - I'm embarrassed to say i wasn't 100 % sure of that when I first started looking in to it!
Take note of ovulation time/day & how you felt - if you notice egg white type mucous 14 days before your period is due, maybe a fresh baked bread scent or that you what to hop on your partner you can get to know how you react when you are at your most fertile!
Once released the egg has 12 hours to meet the boys (sperm) before its too late- so ideally aim to have the boys inside waiting - sperm can live up to 36 hours inside (some books say longer) so the days don't have to be so precise if they are in there waiting to ambush.
Try to make sure you are not too shattered to turn on the charm (sorry if that seems condescending to the men), nothing worse than a sense of duty to put you off, once you have some cuddles it'll be enough to warm things up. I think it works the more you get the more you want!
I took it easy aroungd the week i was hoping for the egg to implant in the lining of the uterus - eased off on training, long runs etc.- not sure if that's relevant but felt I had to or I would have wondered if that had affected things.

My lovely man found the technical planning aspects of it a bit of a turn off so, it has been know to turn on the charm at the right time without being completely up front about the schedule thing!! scheming, devious , manipulative... not sure, I think the end justified the means but i am open to a debate on the subject...

The boys:
* the sperm don't seem to like to be too hot or too cold - that's why they are housed outside the pelvis! Try to watch out for being too hot or too cold if you want them to be at their liveliest.
* I saw an indian study that had linked poor motility (slow swimming sperm) to use of the mobile phone for over an hour a day - so that may be worth thinking about (this may not be a scientific fact so may be worht checking up on).
* hard physical training or big drinking sessions isn't generally condusive to having a night/lunch time/day/ or week of passion- so at least the week of the action it'd be clever to be in top form & ease off a bit on training/drinking to help your boys perform at their best!
*The best sperm are fresh - not been waiting to long to get out, so if they were made in the past 2 days they are in good nick. a good reason to keep having regular action when trying to conceive.
* lots of TLC when the day in the month comes that you find out this was not the month for junior to be made- your both deserve to take it easy for the week & mind each other. Feel the love....
So when i see you I won't mention this unless you bring it up, I'm pretty mortified- don't let on to my lovely man that you have too much info ..yikes. take it easyXX

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